Practice Information
Our Mission is to provide the highest standard of patient care incorporating a holistic approach toward diagnosis and management of illness. This practice is committed to promoting health, wellbeing and disease prevention to all patients. We do not discriminate in the provision of excellent care and aim to treat all patients with due respect.

GPA Accredited General Practice
This Practice is committed to quality improvement
General Services Available
We provide a range of services for your health care, these may include:
- All Family Health Care
- Men’s & Women’s Health
- Check-ups
- Family Planning
- Pap Smear screenings
- Pregnancy testing
- Pre and Postnatal care
- Skin cancer checks
- Removal of moles & sunspots
- Minor Surgery
- Health Care Plans
- Childhood Immunisations
- Travel Vaccinations
- Work Cover
- Insurance Medicals
- Covid-19 Vaccinations
Skin Clinic
Skin cancer checks, diagnoses & treatments
- Minor surgery
Travel Medicine
Pre-travel health advice specifically tailored to your itinerary and your medical background.
- Travel vaccinations
- Medications including Malaria prevention.
- Preparations for high altitude and adventure travels
- Post-travel health checks
Practice Policies

- No smoking, eating or drinking is permitted in our practice.
- No mobile phones switched on in the practice, as they may affect sensitive medical equipment.
Your co-operation is appreciated.
Results Procedure
Revision of your results is important. Make an
appointment to discuss these with your doctor.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, results can now
be discussed over the phone.
Recall and Reminder System
Committed to preventative care, your doctor will seek your permission to be included on our recall system. Routinely, we may issue you with an SMS notification offering you preventative health care services appropriate to your health. Please speak to your doctor.
To maintain confidentiality, we avoid telephone interruptions to doctors, the nurse may be able to assist or if you wish to speak to your doctor, a message will be taken, and your call returned as soon as possible. Urgent enquiries will be put through. Please be aware that phone consultations can be arranged with a doctor if it falls under the Medicare criteria.
Emergency Care
Our practice has a fully equipped treatment room that enables our doctors to cater for many routine accidents including suturing wounds, removal of foreign materials.
Fees & Billing Arrangements
We are a bulk billing practice although fees do exist for certain procedures. Cash, Eftpos & Credit Cards are available for payment.
Please check your scripts at the time of the last repeat, generally you will need a brief consultation for repeat prescriptions.

Privacy and Confidentiality
Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to always maintain complete security of your personal health information and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised staff members. We abide by the National Privacy Principles.
You’re Rights
If you have a problem, we would like to hear about it. Please feel free to talk to your doctor, reception staff or phone the Health Quality and Complaints commission QLD on 07 31205999.
We take your concerns, suggestions and complaints seriously.
Appointments Information & Practice Hours

Waiting Times
Help us help you!
- You are required to present your Medicare card to receive Medicare benefits at each appointment.
- You can request your preferred doctor, however an appointment with an alternative will be offered if necessary.
- We sometimes run a little late and understand this can be frustrating for you. Please be aware that appointments are scheduled for 15
minutes apart, and emergencies are given priority. Check with reception if we appear to be running late. - Interpreter services are available if required.
- Extended appointment times are available upon request.
- Walk in appointments will be seen in a timely manner.
Home Visits
Home visits are available for regular patients of this practice, at the discretion of their doctor, whose condition prevents them from attending the practice.
Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record.
- What is PCEHR? It’s a secure online. Summary of your health information. You control what goes into it, and who is allowed to access it.
- Assisted registration is available at this practice, ask your doctor or receptionist at your next visit.
- This practice can now upload a health summary from your records to your PCEHR.

Practice Hours
Practice Hours
Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm
Saturday Closed
Sundays Closed
Public Holidays Closed
After Hours Care
National Home Doctor 137425
Medical Staff
QML Pathology
Monday to Friday 8am – 4pm
Allied Health Services
Hearing Australia
Information about MyMedicare for patients including
the benefits of registering. Click here